Available year-round, our PureHeart® is the original mini-seedless watermelon, unrivaled to this day. Similarly, the Tuscan-Style® Extra Sweet Cantaloupe sets the standard in its category. While we’re on the subject of ‘unique’: Have you tried SunnyGold®, our yellow mini-seedless?

With everything we offer we select and source only the best. Our citrus fruit is no different. So far, we have added Easy Peelers and Navel Oranges that live up to our expectations. We continue to look for extraordinary fruit, so we invite you to check back for newcomers to our citrus line-up.

We are proud to offer high-quality, sweet, and premium cherries from Chile and Argentina! They are in limited supply from November to February so get them while you can.

Whether we’re talking plums, nectarines, or peaches, we bring you only the ‘best of crop’. Peaches, you ask? How about white and yellow peaches? Same for nectarines. Or special plum varieties. Explore below.

Grapes are always in season ‒ and we make sure to offer you the best varieties, always. Red, green or black … we bring you the newest and best domestically and from around the globe.